Resourceful adolescent program (RAP) program Content.
This program is run each year for year 6 girls. Facilitated by trained teaching staff, the group meet weekly for the duration of the program.
The RAP-A Program draws on the metaphor in the children's story of the "Three Little Pigs" in which only the house made of bricks withstood the attacks of the Big Bad Wolf. Each week participating students develop their own personal 'RAP-A house' by laying down different personal resource bricks (e.g. 'Personal Strength Bricks', 'Keeping Calm Bricks', 'Problem Solving Bricks'), as the program unfolds.
The cognitive-behavioural component provides the techniques of keeping calm, cognitive restructuring and problem solving. The interpersonal component stresses the importance of promoting harmony and dealing with conflict and role disputes by developing an understanding of the perspective of others. The common thread that runs through the program is the teaching of techniques to maintain self-esteem in the face of a variety of stressors.
Sessions are focussed around seven major areas:
- the recognition and affirmation of existing strengths and resources
- promoting self-management and self-regulation skills in the face of stress
- cognitive restructuring
- creating a personal problem solving model
- building and accessing psychological support networks
- considering the other's perspective
- keeping and making the peace