Dungog Public School

Our best always

Telephone02 4992 1384



The Australian Government recognises that schools play a vital role in promoting the social and emotional development and wellbeing of young Australians.

Student resilience and wellbeing are essential for both academic and social development and this is optimised by the provision of safe, supportive and respectful learning environments. Schools share this responsibility with the whole community.

Not only do confident, resilient children with a capacity for emotional intelligence perform better academically, these skills can also contribute to the creation of strong social bonds and supportive communities, and the maintenance of healthy relationships and responsible lifestyles.

Dungog Public School offers programs to enhance the capabilities and strengths of each and every child. Teachers and school staff work productively with students to provide a supportive, safe and caring environment, where each person within the school community is valued and supported. Our wellbeing program is dynamic and reflective of current thinking and practices, following evaluative procedures to ensure it remains to meet the needs of our community.